The tragic shootings at Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech and Columbine have brought light to the threats that schools could face daily. But more recent tragedies, like the 2016 attack at the Ohio State University and shooting incidents at schools around Ohio, illustrate the “it can’t happen here” mentality can no longer be maintained.
This video features interviews with school administrators from Chardon Local Schools, Madison Local Schools and West Liberty Salem Local Schools who share their experiences of when active aggressors attacked their schools. Their narratives about the time before the attacks share a common theme – it can’t happen here. Many share this mindset; however, each story confirms that an attack can actually happen anywhere, anytime, and schools must be prepared. They discuss three key lessons – prepare, take action and recover – hoping that school administrators across Ohio will incorporate these activities when creating their own schools’ emergency management plans.
This video was released to schools on Monday, February 5, 2018.

The OneOhio Recovery Foundation is a private, non-profit foundation created at the direction of Ohio’s state and local leaders to distribute 55 percent of the funds our state will receive from the pharmaceutical industry as a consequence of its role in the national opioid epidemic. The Foundation will work with local interests to support their opioid misuse treatment, recovery and prevention efforts and invest funds to support these efforts for Ohioans into the future.
The Foundation is governed by a 29-member board, including 19 members selected by regional groups that partner with the Foundation in identifying local organizations to receive funds. Created in December 2021, with most board appointments formalized in May 2022, the Foundation is currently taking the necessary, initial steps of any new organization, including hiring its team, establishing internal governance, financial and investment procedures and other essential policies. The importance of its mission, the significant sums of which it’s a steward and the high expectations for its work mandate that these decisions be made carefully, with precision and with careful deliberations from all key stakeholders.
Over the next several months, the Foundation will make regular announcements as it moves forward with fulfilling its mission and working with partners across the state in bringing needed relief, recovery, prevention and justice for Ohioans.